quinoa, shrimp, mint & coriander salad

Soak the quinoa in water overnight. The next day, drain, and rince.

Cook the quinoa for 15 to20 minutes covered with about 1 cm of water.

Leave to cool.

Fry the shrimp a few minutes in a little olive oil. It should still be crispy (if overcooked, it’ll be “floury”).

Mix cherry tomatoes, boiled soy bean sprouts (boil some water, pour in a bowl over the sprouts and leave for 2-3 minuutes then drain), the leaves from a bunch of fresh mint, a roughly minced bunch of coriander, and 2 small red hot peppers (desseded and minced). Add the quinoa and the shrimps. Mix well then dress with sesame oil, soy sauce, and lime juice.

The spicy and frsh flavors make this plate perfect for a picnic or a buffet for a graden party!

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